Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jacketed Paperbacks

I've talked before about the wonderful rediscovered novels published by Persephone Books, and how much I love them. But have I mentioned that they are jacketed paperbacks?

This is one of my absolute favorite kinds of books, and it's a technique publishers, in the US anyway, tend to use very infrequently. In Japan, they do it all the time. Both of these fine books, for instance:

I've managed to use it once, myself, on this awesome project (which, full disclosure, I've also already talked up a bit, here):

Hard to say why, exactly, I haven't used this trick more often, since I do love it so, except that it's the sort of thing that has to feel just right for the particular project. Like any sort of bells or whistles (shiny foil letters, embossing, textured paper, what have you), you don't want to do it gratuitously. 

Rather, it should feel like an organic extension of the book's content.Which, fingers crossed, it what it does here.

image source for Carefree Clothes for Girls is here.

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