Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Books, At Retail

[blanket warning for this entire post: one big shameless self-promotion alert!]

If a book editor ever tells you that she no longer gets excited about seeing the projects she worked on featured prominently in snazzy retail environments, I would advise you to strongly suspect that this person is full of it. Personally I find that it never gets old--that thrill of seeing something only you and a handful of others worked so hard on for so long, now come to fruition in the public sphere, looking sharp and insouciant next to other books you admire. Heck, it's just great. So in addition to many other things I was doing in New York last week, I was gleefully snapping photos whenever I spotted one of my titles front and center somewhere.

Above, The Where, The Why, and the How at the New York Public Library gift shop.

Sky High at the MoMA bookstore.

Pantone: The 20th Century in Color at the Strand.

100 Girls on Cheap Paper on the Rizzoli  bookselling table at the Scope Art fair.

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