Markus Bacher
Susanne Vielmetter Los
Angeles Projects
I had three more Art in LA blog posts in mind, but I'm about to leave town again and look at a whole bunch of new art in a new place, and will want to tell you all about that when I return, and so to clear the decks we roll all the remaining Los Angels art-looking into a single massive post right here, right now! Go!
Part One, which starts with the above image, is the rest of the Culver City Galleries (I talked about a few before here):
Tam Van Tran
Susanne Vielmetter Los
Angeles Projects
Maria E. Piñeres
Walter Maciel
Ed Templeton
Roberts & Tilton
David Maisel
Mark Moore Gallery
Max Maslansky
Honor Fraser
Lily van der Stokker
Jim Hodges
Charles Gaines
Pedro Reyes
From “Apparitions”
show on
rubbings from 1860-2015
(who knew such a thing existed?)
Michael Goldberg
Manny Silverman Gallery
Raymond Pettibon
Regen Projects
Michael Sagato
De Re Gallery
Steve Shapiro, Selma,
Fahey/Klein Gallery
Howang Tran
Gallery 1988
Mariah Robertson
M + B