Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Video Fun Day

The publishing world is understandably abuzz about this year's animated short Oscar winner, The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. It's not all that often that we get to see this thing we're all so passionate about take center stage in another medium.

Which is why this other video The Joy of Books also made quite a splash when it made the rounds of the office a few months back (it doesn't hurt, either, that, if you look closely you can spot a few titles here and there from the very publishing company I work for).

Of course, there have always been movies about literature, writers, and literary figures. By far my favorite recent entry into that arena is the delightful Midnight in Paris. Many treats and pleasures here, though it would be worth watching for Corey Stoll's channeling of Earnest Hemingway alone. (I know, I know, everyone talked about Kathy Bates as Gertrude Stein, and that was fab, too--but Stoll delivers Hemingway's dialog in a way that sounds exactly like the Hemingway in my head when I read his books. Too perfect).

And then, just because, I'm throwing in the trailer for my other favorite recent movie I've seen recently, Beginners. (Can you tell I just figured out how to embed YouTube videos here on the Cabinet? Yeah.) This really is just a lovely film--much admiration for Mike Mills here.

There was just one more video I wanted to include, for no other reason than that it is awesome: this trailer for the movie-length music video Girl Walk // All Day, which a prospective author and artist sent me the other day. But getting it up here seems to have exceeded my baby-monkey-like web mistress skills. Do click through the link to watch it though, it's well worth that extra exertion on the part of your index finger.

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