I take the day off work on my birthday, like, religiously. So last Thursday, when I turned 40 (something I must say I'm quite excited about -- I loved my 30s so much more than my 20s so I'm sure the 40s will be even better!) I took the most beautiful day all to myself. Some highlights--
The Snowy Plover (ice, espresso, sparkling water, and loads of sweetened whipped cream) at Andytown.
and Andytown always has gorgeous flowers in their bathroom
and then I realized the drink is named after the actual birds who "overwinter" in the nearby dunes and beach!
and the ocean. the ocean the ocean the OCEAN! so beautiful.
hard to see but those white specks are actual Snowy Plovers
the waves were enormous
more plovers
cool tiny photo sticker street art
the raddness that is the General Store
Case for Making
where I bought myself lots of presents
the nicest public bathroom I've ever seen.
lovely long late lunch at Greens.
the line for Janet Cardiff's "40 Part Moet" installation was too long, so I sat on the ground right here outside the window and eves-dropped the whole thing. it was fabulous.
all followed up by dinner with my two darlings at Liho Liho Yacht Club. I am a lucky girl.
I love this day.