Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Authorship Is Happening!

Loyal readers may recall that I'm working on a book of Instagrams. Called This is Happening it gathers together 199 amazing photos submitted by users. It comes out this Fall and that means, in publishing terms, it is very nearly done! When the cover proof came across my desk this week I couldn't resist going meta and instagraming it. I mean, who could, right? All the more so because, as you can see if you squint real close in the bottom right hand corner of the proof, I am also--self-congratulatory fanfare please--the author of this book! And as many times as I've seen and heard authors get all thrilled and giddy about materials for their books, I am by no means immune to feeling those exciting feelings my own self. Man oh man. Can I just say? This one's going to be great.


  1. OH MY GOD, Bridget! Brilliant and beautiful, just like you. Can't wait to get a copy! xoxo
